Nature- short presentations

Northern white rhinoceros

Northern white rhinoceros


Maybe the worlds most endangered animal would be norther white rhinoceros. They are critically endangered.

There are only known to be two female northern white rhinoceros left, both live in captivity in Kenya. The last male northern white rhinoceros died in march this year aged 45. 

Main reason for their extinction is poaching for the horns, that cost $50 000 per kilo.


Now there is pretty much nothing that can save them. Thanks to greedy men.



-In 24 of august 79 AD volcano Vesuvius erupted and caused the destruction of four city's with one of them being the well known Pompeji. It is estimated that the volcano exploded over hundread million tons of cravel and rock up to fifteen kilometers height burying the two towns and thousands of people with them. The city of Pompeji still has parts that haven't been found under the crable, and the insident remains among the deadliest natural disasters in the history of the world.

-Pompeji has errupted since then a couple of times and in the year 1631 it claimed thousands of lives again. Althoug the erruption is not as faymous as the one that happened houndreads of years ago it is too considered as a horrible disaster. Later on t
he argeologial dig site of Pompeji and it's near by towns were declared as unescos world heritage place in 1997.



For ages, wolves has been very hated in Finland. There are hundreds of rumours about them, some hunters has even mistaken dogs for wolves and shot them. That's the main reason why they are very endangered. In the spring of 2017, there was only 150-180 wolves in Finland. Hunting them is forbidden, but it doesn't prevent poaching.

It's true that wolves kill alot of hunting dogs, sheeps, and other animals, but they are doing that to survive just like any other animal. Wolves are very beautiful and an important part of the nature of Finland, they shouldn't be hated. 

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