Viialan keskustan koulu

Viialan keskustan koulu

Viialan keskustan koulu is a public primary school, located in municipality of Akaa in Southern Finland.

We have classes from pre-school to 6th grade, children aged 5 – 13. In our school there are more than 50 children
having special needs or learning disabilities, integrated in basic classes. We have also day care for preschool
children and after school day care for the 1st and the 2nd graders. The number of pupils is around 460. At the
moment we have 28 teachers, of whom three are the teachers for the pupils having special needs, one is a so
called „resource teacher‟ and one is our Comenius assistant teacher from Austria. We also have 17 school
assistants in our school.

In our curriculum the main issues we put emphasis on are multicultural education, sustainable development,
specially the cultural sustainability and the pedagogical use of ICT through the curriculum. We find this kind of
projects and partnerships the best way to learn from one another from face to face how similar we are all over
Europe. We learn to understand and respect cultural differences, find new ways of working, learning and

The staff in our school is very motivated in their job and to create teaching and new methods of education and
the atmosphere among the staff is very good and open.

In our school we are strongly developing our ICT strategy. It includes all sides , the hardware, software,
pedagogical use of ICT and to build the strategy for pupils ICT skills in learning, teach critical attitude to the
internet and information on copyright.

The amount of the computers and information technical equipment level is very limited and the amount of
student machines is significantly less than the national recommendations. Our aim is during the project design
and implement schools own ICT – strategy.

Our aim is to get knowledge and experience of using ICT in school and with different kind of learners, specially
with pupils with learning disabilities, change ideas of pedagogical applications in different surroundings.
We also want to strengthen and unify the information and communication culture in schools on this area. An
important part is to create a regional ICT curriculum as the new national curriculum work begins in 2014.

We have been involved in several international projects and been coordinating multilateral Comenius-project,
so we have a good experience of coordinating.

Our task is to coordinate this project here in Finland and between the involved regions, follow and evaluate the
progress of the project plan and propose changes if needed with all the partners involved.

As a coordinator we will arrange educational meetings and seminars, in-service training courses teacher exchange and diverse
exchange of methods and materials in education.

We are as a school interested to learn more about different models of teacher‟s ICT education and make
standards for qualified ICT education based on the needs of individual skills. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä