Akaan lukio

Akaan lukio

UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL OF AKAA TOWN is located in southern Finland, near Tampere. Our students are from 16 to 19 years old. We have 222 students and 16 teachers.

UpperSecondary School of Akaa was born 2010, when Upper Secondary School of Toijala and Upper Secondary School of Viiala were united in their administration.  Since autumn 2013 we have been also working in one place.  We use many kinds of modern technology, most important ICT. Partly because of the history, teachers and students have learned to use social media and other modern ways to keep in contact and to inform each other. Our school is used to change and modify it’s work.

We pay lots of attention to take care of the students. That means following their approval in studies but also their social and mental welfare. Sense of community has a big role.

Most important for us is, that our students will achieve new 21th Century Skills. All new students coming to our school will get their personal iPads. Teachers have their personal iPads and they have education for the use all the time. Our school is active to take part in different ICT- projects  and international co-operation to get new ideas.   In the classrooms we have interactive whiteboards and also courses of different subjects are  available in digital platform Moodle and we have used collegue coach and key projects to learn more. Also specialists have taken part in lessons by Adobe Connect Pro. Ourschool has an own ICT strategy and a plan of action.

Teachers Paula Tossavainen, Mira Heikkilä, Tanja Merikari and headmaster Tuovi Ronkainen are involved in this project.

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