Pappilan koulu

Greetings from our fourth grade- pupils!

Tekijä: Jenni Koskela
Introducing one another through interviews:

Interview 1:
  1. What is your name?

- My name is Lassi.
2. How old are you?

- i´m eleven years old .

3. Do you like dogs?

- Yes i do.

4. What class are you on?

- i´m on fourth grade.

5. How are you?

- i´m fine thanks.

Interview 2, Leevi and Anni

How old are you?

- Eleven

Do you have bike?

- Yes I have

Do you like sing?

- Yes I like

Do you like go to park?

- Yes I like

What do you know about Spain?

- I never been to Spain

Interview 3:

1. whats your name?


How old are you?

-im ten

Do you like Spain?

-yes, I like

Tell me something about Finland?

-In Finland we have less people.

What do you know about Spain?

-I’ts hot.

More interviews:

Tekijä: Jenni Koskela

Interview 4:

Onni: How old are you?

Miro: I'm eleven .

-Where are you from?

I'm from finland.

-Can you fly?

yes I can

- Are you mad?

I'm mad.

Interview 5:

Sofia: Do you speak Spanish?

Pinja: No, I don´t.

Sofia: What´s your favourite food?

Pinja: I don´t know.

Sofia: Have you got a computer?

Pinja: No I haven´t.

Sofia: Where do you live?

Pinja: I live in Akaa, Finland.

Sofia: Do you like gymnastics?

Pinja: Of course. Gymnastic is my favourite hobby!

Pinja: What´s your name?

Sofia: My name is Sofia.

Pinja: How old are you?

Sofia: I´m ten years old.

Pinja: Do you speak German?

Sofia: Yes,I do.

Pinja: Have you been to Spain?

Sofia: Yes,I have.

Pinja: Can you ride a horse?

Sofia: Yes,I can.

Pappilan koulu

Pappila School in Akaa

Pappila school is a relatively small school of 200 pupils, 10 teachers and 7 school assistants. The school name refers to the area, which was owned by the local parsonage, pappila in Finnish.

Pre- school, morning and afternoon activities for the younger pupils as well as classes from 1 to 6 are situated in three different buildings around the big school yard. The oldest of the buildings was opened in 1927 and is currently used by the pre-school, first and second class.

The newer school building was built in 1949 and renovated in 1993. The school dining hall and the gym hall are in the newer part of the building.

The old teachers’ house functions as the place for morning and afternoon activities and is also used by a pre-school group. The school is comfortably small, homelike and provides the pupils a peaceful environment and a big, park- like yard with numerous possibilities for breaks.

The goals of Pappila school are to support the childs’ growing into a social, well behaving and independent pupil. The student welfare team meets monthly and discusses problems regarding learning difficulties, social relationships and health issues. As a support measure the school offers special needs education twice a week by a special needs teacher.

The parents association is very active at the school and organizes events for the pupils, supports and enables many of the school trips. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä