
Make your own portfolio that shows your skills in English. You can choose from the tasks below which ones you want to do.

1. Write a poetry collection. You can choose any theme. Write at least 5 poems.

2. Write an article. Choose an event or a subject that interests you and write about that. You can find examples of articles online.

3. Make a weather forecast. Choose a city and write about the weather in there. You can also make a recording or a video of your forecast.

4. Read a book in English and write a book review.

5. Watch a movie and write a film review.

6. Write a speach you could give after the 9th grade is over. You can also present it to the teacher.

7. Plan your own English lesson. What would be the subject? What would you want to do with your students?

8. Choose a grammar theme and make teaching material for it. You can make a power point or grammar tasks or both.

9. Plan your dream trip around the world. Where would you travel? With who? What would you want to do?