Group 1 : Urban geography


Your job is to prepare a short presentation about Kalasatama and be our tour guide when we visit Kalasatama.

This is the first part of this project. We do similar project in Hamburg Hafen City,

The classification of the cities

The simplest way to classify cities is to identify the distinctive role they play in the city system. There are three distinct roles:

  1. central places functioning primarily as service centers for local hinterlands. City of Rovaniemi in Lapland
  2. transportation cities performing break-of-bulk and allied functions for larger regions. - City of Hamburg
  3. specialized-function cities, dominated by one activity such as mining, manufacturing or recreation and serving national and international markets. City of Forssa - water power -> textile industry. The city of Helsinki Russian Emperor Alexander I of Russia moved the Finnish capital from Turku to Helsinki in 1812 to reduce Swedish influence in Finland → the city of administration → transportation centre.

The structure of the city: The multiple-nuclei model

The multple-nuclei model contained 7 differing sections that all had separate functions:

  • A central business district (CBD) is the commercial and business center of a city. In larger cities, it is often synonymous with the city's "financial district". The CBD is often also the "city centre" or "downtown". Innenstadt and Stadtzentrum. E.g. in Düsseldorf, there is a business district which is located around the famous High-Street Königsallee with banks, shops and offices. Kamppi in Helsinki
  • Manufacturing & tarffic centre: Pasila
  • Low-class residential: Kallio
  • Middle-class residential: Töölö, Haaga
  • Upper-class residential: Eira & Kaivopuisto in Helsinki
  • Outlying business district: e.g. Kalasatama in the nar future
  • Residential suburb - Kumpula, Käpylä

Kamppi: CBD, Eira ja Kaivopuisto: Upper-class residential (very expensive flats), new business districts: Länsisatama ("western harbour")and Kalasatama (fish harbour")

Residential suburbs: Käpylä & Kumpula (detached houses), industrial and traffic centre: Pasila (red). 

The problem of Helsinki

The city of Helsinki is surrounded by other cities. That's why city of Helsinki wants to develop new centres in its own area with housing for residents and ofices, shops, restaurants, daycares, schools, health care stations. The new inhabitants are important because they pay taxes for the city (18 % from salary in the of Helsinki). käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä