Schedule ENA1A

Class is always at 13.00
Monday: Room 11
Tuesday: Room 12
Wednesday: Room 14

12.8 Monday (V11) : Intro to mythology, explain vocabulary quizzes,  Grammar, debate, myths (not do power point)
13.8 Tuesday (V12) :  (No class Iloranta leaves at 13.00)
14.8 Wednesday (V14): Grammar p. 6-17, (Use quizlet live for irregular verbs: past and perfect) Read first 10 pages by Monday of Cupid and Psyche, the handout I gave you. Listen to track 73 from Psyche.

19.8 Monday: Go over Cupid and Psyche (half of the class take the quiz).
Give out The Courtship of Mr. Lyon
20.8 Tuesday: Quiz and discuss (handout Pyramus and Thisbe)
21.8 Wednesday: Vocabulary quiz Level D unit 1, grammar, p. 17-23

26.8 Monday: Pyramus and Thisbe, Analyze Desirées baby. Watch Romeo and Juliet Balcony scene.
27.8 Tuesday: compare and contrast Desirées baby with Pyramus and Thisbe. Do questions up to #4
28.8 Wednesday: Vocabulary quiz unit 2, grammar p. 24- 30 (if clauses) Give Pygmalion (read for Monday)
Compare Finnish to English future 

2.9 Monday:Pygmalion (the myth) and Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Watch Pygmalion a bit (first 15 min) and Ascott Races of My Fair Lady

3.9 Tuesday:Finish questions 5 (Saga and Kia), 6: Tatu, Georg and Jan; 7: Beiza and Setareh

Finish the handout comparing Pygmalion and the myth.

Watch the rest of Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (speed version)

4.9 Wednesday:Vocabulary quiz unit 3, grammar p. 30 onward to p. 33

9.9 Monday: Work on presentations
10.9 Tuesday: Work on presentations
11.9 Wednesday: Vocabulary quiz unit 4, Grammar p. 34-48,

Do ex. 23 p. 34, ex 26, p. 38, ex 27, p. 40. ex.30 p. 43, ex. 33, p. 45, ex 35, p. 48

16.9 Monday: No class (teacher sick)
17.9 Tuesday: Presentations: Nora, Ebba and Daniela: English presentation.pdf; Pontus, Sebastian, Tatu, Jan The Odyssey and Back to Blandon.pdf
18.9 Wednesday: Presentations: Kia, Setareh, SagaThe myth of Perseus.pdf; Anna, Julia, Glara, and Beiza english presentation Narcissus HS19A.pdf;Vocabulary quiz unit 5 

24.9 Aliu, Georg, Mustaf make their presentation and we have our final exam käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä