Erasmus Student Meeting in Finland in February 2020

The first student meeting of the project "My Sustainable Way of Life“ was held in Ylivieska, Finland between February 3rd and 7th. The students and teachers from four schools – Finland, Spain, Germany and Greece – met in Ylivieska. This Learning-Teaching-Training - week was called "Together against Climate Change". There were 35 participating students and 4 participating teachers from Jokiranta school and 26 participating students and 6 participating teachers from the partner schools. Also 26 families from Ylivieska welcomed the visitors as their guests during the week. Thank you very much for them!

Whole group together in Akustiikka.

Students learned during the week more about climate change mitigation, decision making in transnational summit and of course about cultures and people in the Europe. Students participated in the citizen science research Talviseuranta (Winter Follow-up) and a climate action simulation (UN Climate Action Summit, Climate Interactive). They also had an opportunity to try traditional Finnish winter sports: skating, cross-country skiing and sledging. Even Aurora borealis were noticed by several guests during the week!

Culture Night was held in Akustiikka. Each country presented food and culture (a traditional dance, a song etc.) there for each other and for the finnish host families.

Making measurements to Talviseuranta - Group Punatulkku.

Students sledged, tried snowshoes and grilled sausages over camp fire in Huhmari.

During the week some classes at the Jokiranta school participated in a
friendly demonstration by snowmen: snowmen are endangered because of the climate change and that is why they demonstrate against it! It was´t possible to make real snowmen, because snow wasn´t wet, so students made snowmen from recycled material to the walls of the schools. This was already the third time during this school year that the whole school had an opportunity to participate to action against climate change! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä