Englanti 1

EN 1 -moduulin lyhyt kuvaus

EN 1 -moduulin tavoitteena on omaksua lukiomainen kielen opiskelu, tämän kurssin aihepiirin sanasto sekä kerrata ja ottaa haltuun englannin kielen verbien peruskielioppiaines (esim. aikamuodot).
1 ja 2 moduuleista tulee yhteinen arvosana, johon vaikuttavat mm. kokeet, tuntiaktiivisuus ja annettujen kotitehtävien teko!

1 EN kotiaine

Kirjoita n. 100 sanan (n. 500 merkkiä) pituinen kotiaine oppikirjan Learning to learn Topics for written assignments Module 1 jostakin otsikosta. Seuraa ohjeita, eli kirjoita sellainen juttu kuin ohjeissa pyydetään!
Palauta kirjoitelma allaolevaan palautuskansioon määräaikaan mennessä. Kirjoita joka toiselle riville, joten voin tarpeen vaatiessa tehdä korjauksia.
Kirjoita mukaan myös oma nimesi, sillä se ei muutoin näy tulosteessa!

Kotiaineen palautuskansio

Palauta kotiaineesi tähän kansioon viimeistään keskiviikkona 1.12.
Merkitse kirjoitelmaasi nimi mukaan jotta näen tulosteesta kenen se on.
Kirjoita joka toiselle riville, että tarvittaessa voin tehdä korjausehdotuksia.
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.


43. Lisää lauseisiin liitekysymys vai mitä? eikö niin?
1. You remember your old teacher, ?
2. She taught you Biology, ?
3. It has been a while since you last met, ?
4. She is a really nice lady, ?
5. She didn’t ever get angry, ?
6. She never forgot a student’s name, ?
7. Mrs Bellybutton’s son plays football, ?
8. Their team have done very well lately, ?
9. You are going to the match, ?
10. Let’s go together, ?
11. Come and pick me up at five, ?
12. Tomorrow we can go cycling, ?
13. But we shouldn’t go sailing, ?
14. Finns have done very well in sailing, ?
15. I am a rather skilled sailor, ?
16. We could take a spin on the lake one day, ?
17. You won’t forget that, ?
18. We’d better decide on the date, ?
19. Oh, the police are here, ?
20. There have been some problems in the school yard, ?
21. No one’s been arrested, though, ?
22. I’d like to know what’s going to happen next, ?
23. We must go and find out, ?
24. I bet they’ve made a mistake, ?
25. Peter looks guilty, ?
26. He was in a spot of trouble last year as well, ?
27. Oh, but you know nothing about it, ?
28. There is not much we can do about this, ?
Tukipaketti Liitekysymykset
29. Let’s turn left here, ?
30. It won’t be long until we are home, ?
31. Jim and John are standing there, ?
32. They’d love to join us, ?
33. Matt told you about their latest pranks, ?
34. We’d better not hang out with them, ?
35. Ok, I’ll see you soon, ?
36. Remember to bring the match tickets, ?
37. It’s Arsenal playing West Ham, ?
38. It could become a heated match, ?
39. But we are not going to take part in any rumble, ?
40. We never behave badly, ?
Tukipaketti Ratkaisut
43. Lisää lauseisiin liitekysymys vai mitä? eikö niin?
1. You remember your old teacher, don’t you?
2. She taught you Biology, didn’t she?
3. It has been a while since you last met, hasn’t it?
4. She is a really nice lady, isn’t she?
5. She didn’t ever get angry, did she?
6. And she never forgot a student’s name, did she?
7. Mrs Bellybutton’s son plays football, doesn’t he?
8. Their team have done very well lately, haven’t they?
9. You are going to the match today, aren’t you?
10. Let’s go together, shall we?
11. Come and pick me up at five, will you / won’t you / would you?
12. Tomorrow we can go cycling, can’t we?
13. But we shouldn’t go sailing, should we?
14. Finns have done very well in sailing, haven’t they?
15. I am a rather skilled sailor, aren’t I?
16. We could take a spin on the lake one day, couldn’t we?
17. You won’t forget that, will you?
18. We’d better decide on the date, hadn’t we?
19. Oh, the police are here, aren’t they?
20. There have been some problems in the school yard, haven’t there?
21. No one’s been arrested, though, have they?
22. I’d like to know what’s going to happen next, wouldn’t I?
23. We must go and find out, mustn’t we?
24. I bet they’ve made a mistake, haven’t they?
25. Peter looks guilty, doesn’t he?
26. He was in a spot of trouble last year as well, wasn’t he?
27. Oh, but you know nothing about it, do you?
28. There is not much we can do about this, is there?
Tukipaketti Ratkaisut
29. Let’s turn left here, shall we?
30. It won’t be long until we are home, will it?
31. Jim and John are standing there, aren’t they?
32. They’d love to join us, wouldn’t they?
33. Matt told you about their latest pranks, didn’t he?
34. We’d better not hang out with them, had we?
35. Ok, I’ll see you soon, won’t I?
36. Remember to bring the match tickets, won’t you / will you?
37. It’s Arsenal playing West Ham, isn’t it?
38. It could become a heated match, couldn’t it?
39. But we are not going to take part in any rumble, are we

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