Our school in English

Myllykylä School

We study at Myllykylä school in Tammela. In Finland we start school at the age of seven. This is a primary school so we have the grades 1-6. We start to study English in the third grade. Our school is quite small, here are only about 80 pupils and five teachers. You can go watch where our school is: https://www.google.fi/maps/place/Myllykyl%C3%A4n+Koulu/@60.8232355,23.8154626,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x468e8418f15c38fd:0x85883bcae62732bc!8m2!3d60.8232329!4d23.8176513?hl=fi

Written by: Silja Sandberg and Pipsa Heinilä, 6th grade.

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