Ääntämisen eroja

Southern Castilians right down skip the D and aspire the S if the next sound is a consonant, they still say it normally with a vowel. And Andalusians drop the D, and drop the S except when the next sound is a vowel in which case the aspire it like southern Castilians with consonants. Then Caribbeans drop the D and the S always.

It's a north-south gradient in Spain, or rather the historic territories of Castile in Spain. Old Castile in the north makes all final sounds markedly, Madrid in the centre softens the end consonants but we make them, New Castile in the centre-south aspires and drops some, Andalusians in the south drop most and aspire some. Caribbeans drop all.

Then mainland Latin America no longer follows the trend. Argentinians drop the S unless the next one is a vowel, similar to southern Castilians and Andalusians.