International cooperation in 2023-2024

What kind of international collaboration have we had this year?

  • An Erasmus+ 1-week group exchange in Bari, Italy in spring 2024, accomodating the Italian visitors in Saarijärvi in spring 2024. 
  • Erasmus+ individual exchanges for 2 weeks in Neckarbischofsheim (Germany) , Logroño (Spain) and in Bari (Italy). 4 students went to Germany, 4 to Italy and 3 to Spain.  
  • In spring 2024, two French teacher trainees visited Saarijärvi high school, lower secondary school and elementary school. They also visited the schools in Lannevesi and Pylkönmäki. Their stay lasted for 5 days.
  • In autumn 2024 there were letters exchanged with a Norvegian and Swedish high school. The topic of discussion was the differences between our high schools.