Our high school in English

Saarijärvi high school

This is our high school!
Det här är vårt gymnasium!
Voilà notre lycée!
Hier ist unser Gymnasium!

Welcome to Central Finland and our high shool. Our high school (constructed in spring 2021) is situated in the town of Saarijärvi, which has about 9000 inhabitants. Surrounded by beautiful lakes and forests, our high school offers a wonderful place to create a solid basis for your further studies.

Competent teachers guide our students all the way to the final exams. We have a wide range of subjects to choose from according to your own interests. In addition to this, an encouraging atmosphere and team spirit are our priorities. With around 130 high school students we are a flexible and tight community that supports and works well together.

Not only do we have more than two decades of experience in international projects but we also provide three different foreign languages you can choose from: French , German and Russian. Swedish is an obligatory subject that enables our students to use our nation´s second official language.

If you want to experience the highly praised Finnish educational system, welcome to our school!

If you have questions related to international affairs, please contact Elena Savolainen via email elena.savolainen@saarijarvi.fi.

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