Vieraskirja/Guest book

Guestbook 2023


I spent 2 weeks here in Saarijärvi with 3 other friends. We had a great time here and we admired the Finnish culture. We had the chance to see and fully live the differences between school systems and typical dishes of our cities. We're so lucky to have had this opportunity. We learnt a lot of new things and we hope to come back in the future for new experiences.
- Sara Solazzo, Italy


This was one of the most beuatiful experiences I ever had in my life. Discovering a new country, a new culture and a lot ot people was amazing and opened my mind more than it was before. Furthermore, I have less doubts about my future and I feel more confident about it.
- Martina Bondanese, Italy


I really enjoyed my two weeks in Finland and was really impressed by the country and the people. 
We had great times and made many new friend, which i am really grateful for:)
I wish to return someday and learn even more.
- Lilly Jünger, Germany

Guest book 2019


I come to Saarijärven lukio for sharing the information about how to face with different culture, it is the task from maailmanvaihto organization. I also shared Taiwanese culture, too.

I am really glad to have a visit to Saarijärven lukio to introduce the culture and our mission about maailmanvaihto.

Even though it is a short visit but the students and the teachers were very curious about my country and had a great time on this activity. Some students ask me could I come here again and also I would like to share more information about Taiwan, but unfortunately soon I will go back to Taiwan to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family. 

If I have more time in Saarijärven lukio, I would like to share more information about Taiwan and have a good connection with Finnish people.
Po-Hsien Chou, a Taiwanese volunteer from International Cultural Youth Exchange in Finland (ICYE Finland)/ Maailmanvaihto ry
Thank you for everything when I was in Saarijärven lukio.
Hope you have a good time!
Po-Hsien Chou

Guest book 2018

Guest Book 2017

20.5.2017 Alina Neu

I spent four weeks at Saarijärven lukio from August till September 2016 with a friend and it was a great experience for both of us. We attended different classes and subjects to get multiple insights in how school works in Finland. There defenitely are some differences to German schools or at least to the schools I know because they can vary a lot.

 A big difference for me is that the schoolyear in Finland is divided into six sections with fewer subjects each, whereas in Germany we only have two half years in which we always have about ten subjects. I think the Finnish system is more appropriate because with fewer subjects each "jakso" you can concentrate on the subjects you have and having the subjects more frequently it might be easier to remember he things you learn in class.
I liked the relation between students and teachers a lot because it was much more personal than in Germany. Every teacher was very welcoming and integrated me/us into the lessons so we could participate. Everyone talked at least English and sometimes even German, which was very helpful.

I also liked attending the German classes and helping the teachers out a little bit by reading texts or vocabulary out loud or having short dialogues with the students. I loved answering questions they had about Germany. It was nice to be able to convey information about my homecountry to them and give them an insight into life in Germany.

Most importantly, also the students were very open-minded and ready to help whenever I had anything to ask. I stayed at Emmi´s place and she and her family were very kind and welcoming, so I had a great time here. It was fun to get to know people from other cultures and also to exchange about our homecountries. Especially exchanging about our languages was very funny sometimes. 
I made many new friends and contacts which is also why I came to visit again this year for two weeks and I am already sad to leave again.

It honestly was an amazing experience to stay here and I will never forget this time!
Greetings, Alina Neu

30.1.2017 Kansanedustaja Aila Paloniemi Paavontuvalla

Olipa mielenkiintoinen ja voimaannuttava tapaaminen Saarijärven lukiolaisten kanssa. Vaikeita kysymyksiä, hyvää keskustelua. Näistä nuorista kuullaan vielä. Toivotan kaikille upeaa kevättä ja tsemppiä opintoihin ja elämään. Ottakaa yhteyttä, jos haluatte vastauksia kysymättä jääneisiin kysymyksiin. 

Guest Book 2016

As part of the Erasmus in School project I had the pleasure to spend two days at Saarijärvi high school. As an austrian exchange student in the field of Teachers Education this was one of the most informative and educational things i could have done. Not only the students but also the teachers, especially Elena, welcomed me extremely warmly. The overall atmosphere in the school is relaxed and the teachers interact in a very informal and caring way with their students. I am amazed by the small sized classes and the various projects that are planned for the future! Thanks so much for giving me these valuable impressions and showing me all those differences in our school systems! This school is a great place to learn!
Laura Schatzmann

I spent a great time with three classes of this school today. I study psychology as exchange student at the university of Jyväskylä and I participate in the project 'Erasmus in Schools'. I shared my international experiences and my German culture with the students and had really interesting discussions with them about culture, travelling and even politics. I hope the students learned something about my culture and their own culture by speaking about the cultural differences. I really enjoyed my stay here and learned much about the Finns and their culture. Elena was so friendly and she helped me to point out differences in the school systems of Germany and Finnland. I am really impressed of the small classes and the learning methods in this Finnish school. Elena tries to invite as many international guests as possible and organizes projects for the students. I think that is the best way of learning a language. I wish I would have had such a good English teacher in my school time.

Greetings, Lisa Santjer from Germany!

Kieltenopettajaksi tähtäävänä opiskelijana oli ihana mahdollisuus tulla kouluun puhumaan kotimaastani (Saksasta). Oli kiinnostavaa keskustella opiskelijoiden kanssa siitä olivatko he jo käyneet Saksassa ja minkäläisiä käsityksiä heillä oli siitä. Minusta on ihanaa, että sellaisia kouluvierailuja järjestellään, koska olen varma etteivät vain oppilaat vaan minäkin olemme opineet paljon täällä viettämilläni tunneilla. Tulevana opettajana lähden sunnitellen sellaisia vierailuja omille opilaille tulevaisuudessa, koska sellaiset hankeet ovat varmasti osa maailmaa, jossa tullaan toimeen kansainvälisesti. 

Kiitos päivästä!
Hanna Brauer (Bonn/Jyväskylän Yliopisto)