Tanskan mobility


27.9.2015 We left from Rauma at ten o’clock. Our flight from Helsinki boarded at 15.35 and the flight lasted for hour and a half. We arrived to Denmark at six o’clock local time. We we’re in an IC-train for two hours and a half. After that we switched trains in two minutes to a local train. At nine o’clock we arrived to Silkeborg and we went home with the host families.

28.9.2015 First day of school started with a meeting with the students and teachers. We got to know to the school. We went to Silkeborg at 9.30 by bus. First we went Asger Jorn museum and in the museum we were informed about our project in Denmark and tasks for the week. Then we went to Aqua to see different animals. After that we went to the city and had some free time. We spent the evening with the families.

29.9.2015 On Tuesday we started working with our projects. At 15.15 our school day ended but some of us just stayed in the school for a couple of hours just to hang out. In the evening we all gathered around the school to hang out. We had an opportunity to play some indoor sports or go swimming.

30.9.2015 On Wednesday we were at school from 8.15 to 15.15 and continued our projects with the peer groups. After school we had free time with the host families. Some of us stayed at the school for a while and then went bowling. Some went to Silkeborg to do some shopping and to eat dinner.

1.10.2015 On Thursday morning we finished our projects and then we presented them and our ideas to the students, teachers and the representative of the museum. The best group won a pen, a notebook and a magnet. After that we played some games outside. When the school day was over we had some time with the host families and then there was dinner at school. After dinner almost all of us went to Julie’s place. We played games and ate cake and muffins. Then we left and spent some time with the host families.

2.10.2015 On Friday we went to school. There we said our goodbyes to the Swedish people because they left with the bus and we left with the train, so we drove to Silkeborg and left from there. We traveled with a local train for half an hour. Then we switched to an IC-train. We we’re in the train for two hours and a half. Our flight left at 16.05 and we arrived to Helsinki around six o’clock and started to head home with a taxi. We arrived to Rauma at eleven o’clock and all of us went to our own homes.

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