8. Polygons


When line segments are connected in succession so that the end point of the first segment becomes the starting point of the next segment, the result is a polygonal chain. If the start and end points of the polygonal chain converge, a closed polygonal chain is formed.

Definitions related to polygons

  • A polygon is a part of a plane bounded by a closed, non-self-intersecting polygonal chain. 
  • The diagonal of a polygon connects two non-adjacent vertices. 
  • The angle of a polygon is the angle between two sides whose opening is inside the polygon. 

Polygons are named by listing the vertices of the polygon in order. A polygon can also be named by the number of vertices, angles, or sides in it. For example, a hexagon has 6 vertices, 6 angles, and 6 sides.

Example 1

a) pentagon
b) dodecagon
c) hexagon
d) triangle
e) quadrilateral
f) square
g) decagon


Let’s take a closer look at the quadrilaterals next. Some quadrilaterals have their own designations.

Definitions related to quadrilaterals

  • A quadrilateral is a non-intersecting, closed polygonal chain of four segment lines
  • A trapezium is a rectangle whose two sides are parallel. 
  • A parallelogram is a rectangle with two pairs of parallel sides. 
  • A rectangle is a parallelogram with one right angle
  • A rhombus or diamond is a parallelogram with two adjacent sides of equal length. 
  • A square can be defined in two ways:
    • 1) A rectangle with two adjacent sides of equal length.
    • 2) A rhombus with one right angle. 

Example 2

Let’s look at the following figures and their definitions.

  • All of the patterns are quadrilaterals. 
  • Although only b looks like a trapezium, c, d, e and f also fulfill the criteria of a trapezium. 
  • The quadrilaterals c, d, e and f are parallelograms. 
  • Figures d and f are rectangles. 
  • Figures e and f are rhombuses. 

  • The definition of a square is only seen in figure f. 

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