Names and signs

Some of the bigger numbers have their own names:
Name Number of zeros
million 6
billion 9
trillion 12
quintillion 18
septillion 24
nonillion 30
undecillion 36
tredicillion 42
googol 100
There are also commonly used multiplier unit prefixes for some units. One of the best known prefixes is kilo [[$ (10^3) $]]​. Common prefixes are often used instead of scientific expression forms. For example, it is preferable to describe a mass as being 23 kg rather than [[$ \text{2,3} \cdot 10^4 $]]​ g, or a distance as being 17 km rather than [[$ \text{1,7} \cdot 10^4 $]]​ m.
Name Symbol Base 10
giga G [[$ 10^9 $]]​
mega M [[$ 10^6 $]]
kilo k [[$ 10^3 $]]
hecto h [[$ 10^2 $]]
deca da [[$ 10^1 $]]
deci d [[$ 10^{-1} $]]
centi c [[$ 10^{-2} $]]
milli m [[$ 10^{-3} $]]
micro μ [[$ 10^{-6} $]]

Example 3

The diameter of a water molecule is [[$\text{2,8} \cdot 10^{-8}$]] cm. Express the diameter in

a) metres 
b) millimetres 
c) micrometres and
d) nanometres.


* The metre is chosen as the basic unit of examination. Note that the coefficients of the scientific expressions transform the numerical values into metres (mm = 10-3 m) and that we now want to complete the conversions in the other direction.