
Example 1

Simplify the powers.

a) [[$ (2^3)^2 = 2^{3 \cdot 2} = 2^6 = 64 $]]​  
b) [[$ 16(a^2)^2 = 16 \cdot a^{2 \cdot 2} = 16a^4 $]]​ Only [[$a^2$]] is the base of the power.
c) [[$ 2^{3^2} = 2^9 =512 $]]​

This is not a power of power!

Example 2

To what power does number [[$3$]] need to be raised in order for the value to be equal to number ​[[$ 9^5 $]]​? In other words, what number can replace [[$ x $]] in the following equation: ​[[$ 3^x = 9^5 $]]​?


The base number of power [[$ 9^5 $]] is [[$ 9 $]], which is obtained as the power of number three as follows: [[$ 3^2 = 9 $]]. ​By replacing the number nine with this power and simplifying the calculation, we arrive at the result [[$ 9^5 = (3^2)^5 = 3^{2\cdot 5} = 3^{10} $]]​.

Answer: The number [[$3$]] must be raised to power [[$10$]].

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