
In the expression [[$ 2^4 = 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = 16 $]], the number 2 is called the base number, the number 4 is called the exponent and the number 16 is called the value of the power. If brackets are not used, the exponent only affects the number directly below the exponent.

Example 1

Simplify the powers.

a) [[$ -2^4 = -2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 = -16 $]]
The base number is [[$2$]]. The answer is negative because there is an odd number (1) of negative factors in the product.

b) [[$ (-2)^4 = (-2) \cdot (-2) \cdot (-2) \cdot (-2) = 16 $]]
The base number is [$-2$]]. The answer is positive because there is an even number (4) of negatives factors in the product.