
When multiple terms are added together, a polynomial is formed. A polynomial with only one term is said to monomial, whereas a polynomial with two terms is a binomial and a polynomial with three terms is a trinomial. The degree of a polynomial means the degree of the term with the greatest exponent.

Understanding the concept of polynomials is the basis for forming and solving equations (mathematical expressions).

Example 3

a) The polynomial [[$ -4x^3+6x-2 $]]​ is a trinomial and its degree is 3.
b) The polynomial [[$ 2y $]]​ is a monomial and its degree is 1.
c) The polynomial [[$ 2x^2y -3x $]]​ is a binomial and its degree is 2.

Example 4

Calculate the value of the trinomial [[$ 2a^3+5b-1 $]]​, when [[$ a = 4 $]]​ and [[$ b = -3 $]]​.

Place the values of the variables a and b into the correct places in the trinomial:

[[$ 2a^3+5b-1 = 2 \cdot 4^3 + 5\cdot (-3) = 2 \cdot 64 - 15 =113 $]]

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