Kiinan alkeet jatkuu HSK 2 / 18. 1-12. 4. 2022

在商店,买东西 / At Store , shopping

Ask How much in Chinese:

How much is this?
Ok, I will take it.
It is too expensive, I will go around to have a look.

Ask about your opinion: 

How about this?

This is good, and I like it. I will buy it.
It is all right, but... I will go around to have a look. 

What did you buy?

I didn't buy anything.
I bought a little bit...
I bought a lot...
I bought many...


Tekijä: jie zhao

Scene 1: Inviting or suggesting having a meal at the restaurant or at home:

Scene 2: Asking friends what does he/she like to eat or cook:

Scene 3: Conversations on the table:

Lesson 4 / text 1

Homework 1: 

Homework 2: Read the left sentence and chose the relative sentence from the right.