Kiinan alkeet jatkuu / HSK 1 /19.1-20.4.2021

9.3 HSK lesson 6

How far, we have learned how to ask:
who/ 谁  
which / 哪
what / 什么
how much, how many / 几,多少

Homework: Make a question by using the Interrogative pronouns you have learned before.

2.3 HSK lesson 5-6

1. Review the text and check the homework.

2. Continue the topic: 家(Family) and the meaning of character 家:

3. Start lesson 6, learn the Verb 会(can):


1. Get familiar with the verb 会(can). Checking the vocabularies above.

2. Practice the writing with different strokes. 

9.2 HSK lesson 3-4

Please find a picture of a person and introduce us at the next class:
who he/she is? 
What is his/her name?
Where he/she is from?

2.2 HSK Lesson 3-4

Homework: Read and remember:

人称代词 Personal Pronoun:

“是” (Be) 字句:

26.1 HSK / Lesson 2


1. Pinyin practice: Zh, Ch, Sh, r, z, c, s,

2. Homework / Writing material page 1-2

19.1 HSK 1 / lesson 1


1. Read the text. Pay attentation to the situation that when the two 3rd tone syllables are together.

2. Try to write the Characters below, upload your handwritings to instagram #kiinankieli , if you like.