ENA01.2+ENA02.2 2023-2024 (Hannan ryhmä)

Vlogin palautuskansio

Valitse yksi seuraavista tehtävänannoista ja tee siitä vähintään kahden minuutin mittainen englanninkielinen vlogi-postaus. Vlogin deadline on 11.12.2023 klo 21.00.

1. Foreign Customs
Pretend that your whole class is going to spend three weeks in a foreign culture as part of an exchange. You will be staying in local families. Make a presentation to prepare everyone for the journey. Include the following useful information about the country of your choice:
-customs and traditions (clothes, food, festivities, music etc.)
-how to behave politely (table manners, greetings, showing respect etc.)
-basic communication with locals (language, gestures, greetings etc.)
-family life (interaction, typical family structures etc.)

2. My Roots
It's time to get up close and personal. Where do you come from and what makes you who you are? This topic involves looking into your own roots and investigating your heritage. Here are some questions that you could cover in your presentation:
-Where do your parents and grandparents come from? What is their story?
-What languages do your family members speak?
-Which traditions and customs are important to your family?
-What do your parents hope to pass on to you (lessons, stories, heirlooms, traditions etc.)?
-What do you see your linguistic and cultural heritage consisting of? What is important to you?

3. How To Tutorial
We are all experts in something whether it be a hobby or just a special talent. It could be knowing all the best series to binge on Netflix to spinning a ball on your index finger or playing bass. Teach everyone in class what your thing is all about and how to do it. Include at least the following information and don't forget to be encouraging!
-how you got into it in the first place
-what you love about it
-cost and expenses
-required skills
-risks and rewards
-health benefits (physical and mental)
-lessons to be learned
-potential future plans
Palautusaika päättyi
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki
  • Palauta äänitallenne

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

Kirjoitelman palautuskansio

Valitse yksi näistä aiheista ja kirjoita siitä 700-1300 merkin mittainen kirjoitelma englanniksi. Muista merkitä aiheen numero alkuun ja kopioida valmiiksi annettu otsikko sanasta sanaan.

1. Write a letter suggesting something tangible or intangible in Finland to add to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

2. A Letter of Admiration
Write an emotional letter to a real person you respect and admire, expressing your feelings. It could be, for example, your grandparent, your coach, your teacher, your sibling, or a famous person.

3. A Travel Blog Post
Write a blog post inspired by a memorable incident during a trip abroad.

4. There's No Place Like Home
While travelling abroad what do you miss about your home country?
Palautusaika päättyi
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

Kieliprofiilin palautuskansio

Palauta kieliprofiili viimeistään keskiviikkona 11.10.
Palautusaika päättyi
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

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