The third day, Thursday 15.12.2017

Tekijä: Paula Jokinen

Finland, Thursday 15.12.

On Thursday we started to see presentations of evaluation. It was really interesting to compare different ways of evaluation in each country. After each presentation we asked many questions and talked about presentations and how we could develop it in each school. There is a short summary of conversation in projects website.

After that we had time to distribution of certificates. It was nice and warm happening in the hall of the school. The head teacher gave certificates to everyone and all the teams got also some medal and a really nice painting – a miniature of the painting that is in the wall of the hall. What a great memory to bring back to our schools!

After coffee break we continued to see presentations of "Learning by doing", because we didn’t have time to see all of those on Wednesday. Presentations were again really interesting and after each presentation there were a lot of questions and we again got many new ideas. All the teachers tried played QuizletLive in small groups. It was fun and we would have liked to do it even longer!

There were a lot work on the Thursday and all the coordinators continued to evaluate our first transnational meeting and to talk about the next meeting in Czech Republic. Others had short time to go to hotel and when they came back, we all went to bus for travel to town of Mucientes. We went to hundreds years old vino cellars and saw interesting old equipments and stories of how vino has been made earlier. After that we visited the local vino factory, and we saw how they make it nowadays.

From there we went to museum of music. There were thousands of different kind of music instruments. The owner of the museun had collected sall those traditional instruments and he also show us how to use those! We really enjoyed it.

For a nice ending of the day and whole week we had a delicious dinner in a very nice place. After that dinner the bus brought us back to hotel and we had to say goodbye. It was nice to know that we all will see soon in Czech Republic.


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