The second day, Wednesday 14.12.2017

Tekijä: Paula Jokinen

Poland Wednesday, 13.12.

Wednesday morning was overcast, light rain was falling. To school we got a little wet even though it was a huge plus- we didn’t get lost.

Wednesday was our second day at school, a very busy day. From early morning, each partner school presented the presentation of the results of the survey "How do you learn best." The results of surveys of different countries were very similar. And the main common conclusion is:

Students learn faster and better when they learn by doing, perform exercises and experiments, become explorers the secrets of knowledge. This attitude motivates them the best and the learning becomes an adventure.

After the coffee break, the next stage of our work began – the presentations of the examples of "Learning by doing". Presentations were made in various ways: images, videos, images and videos. After each presentation there were a lot of questions to the presenter and an interesting discussion was held.

The next point on Wednesday was guests’ participating in the lessons of Spanish teachers. As a host Spanish school is a bilingual school, we had the opportunity to visit biology lesson conducted in English. The lesson was great, and the level of English language of a teacher and students was very high.

On this day, teachers of the host school decided to bring us closer to the Spanish cuisine culture and the whole group went out for lunch to the bar for "tapas". “Tapas "is a kind of Spanish snacks. For the participants of the meeting will be unforgettable tiny bars and delicious snacks. And a fantastic atmosphere!

At 5 pm it was the planned visit to the National Museum of Sculpture in Valladolid. In the museum we could admire the most important works of the Golden Age of the Spanish sculpture in all its diversity: single statues, tombs and setting the altar, and the Neapolitan crib with over 600 figures and additives. The Renaissance sculptures of pine and walnut impressed us the most, as well as Patio Grande- nineteenth century university built in Isabelline Gothic, it is also known as the "Temple of Wisdom". Today, the building is part of the National Museum of Sculpture.

That was a memorable ending of Wednesday, December 13, 2016.


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