Argumentative/descriptive essay FOR ABSENTEES (9.11.2022)

PLEASE NOTE: This assignment applies only to the students who are absent on 9.11.2022.

Choose one of the following topics. Write an essay of 1000 – 1300 characters according to the topic and instructions. RETURN YOUR ESSAY IN PDF-FORM

1. Offensive ads

Imagine an advertising campaign that people might find offensive. Should the ads be taken down? Write a Letter to the Editor explaining your thinking.

2. Our street views

You see a picture of a city in the attachments below. How does your hometown differ from it? Describe and compare.

3. A punishment to fit the crime

You are the judge and jury. What kind of punishment would you give to the criminal below and why?

" When Stephan broke into the local news station, he used the computers to watch films and check his TikTok account. Then he sprayed the office with a fire extinguisher, took some candy and left. It wasn’t difficult to find him, however. The police just followed the trail of stolen M&Ms that led to his sister’s place across the road."

4. I'd love to be an entrepreneur / Being an entrepreneur is not for me

Choose either and explain your views in a speech you would give to your fellow students.


Picture of a city

Essay folder

Absentees from 9.11.2022: Return your argumentative/descriptive essays here IN PDF-FORM.
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