Presenting chemical formulas

Chemical formulas can be added to a text module by using mathematical formulas. In's version of LaTeX, this is achieved with the "mhchem" package. Examine the examples below to see how chemical formulas are added to the "Text" tool with LaTeX.


Water's chemical formula is [[­$ \ce{H2O} $­]]​.
Water's chemical formula is [[$ \ce{H2O} $]].

A single bond is marked as follows: [[­$ \ce{A-B} $­]]​.
A single bond is marked as follows: [[$ \ce{A-B} $]].

A double bond is marked as follows: [[­$ \ce{A=B} $­]]​.
A double bond is marked as follows: [[$ \ce{A=B} $]].

A triple bond is marked as follows: [[­$ \ce{A#B} $­]]​.
A triple bond is marked as follows: [[$ \ce{A#B} $]].

[[­$ \ce{^{227}_{90}Th+} $­]]​ is a Thorium isotope.
[[$ \ce{^{227}_{90}Th+} $]] is a Thorium isotope.

[[­$ \ce{A ->[H2O] B} $­]]​ is one way to write a reaction arrow.
[[$ \ce{A ->[H2O] B} $]] is one way to write a reaction arrow. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä