Subscribing to a page

Subscribing to a page

By subscribing to a page, you can receive a link to the page into your profile’s personal workspace. You can also receive notifications about all changes that take place on the page.

Subscribing makes it easy for you to access and monitor the pages you visit the most frequently. You can also subscribe to individual modules and documents. You can also select an option that sends a notification to your profile each time a change takes place in the page or module.

  • As a teacher, you can subscribe to a course page or learning material and use the feature to monitor the discussion happening on the page.
  • As a student, you can subscribe to all your course pages, and use the feature to follow the teacher’s instructions and the discussion happening on the page.
  • As a member of an organization, you can use the feature to follow and monitor the discussion and changes happening on your organization’s page.

How to subscribe to a page:

1. Choose the page you want to subscribe to. Click on the star shaped “Subscribe” icon on the top right corner of the page.

2. A page will open, containing a form where you can

a) Add a link to the page to your profile:
  • Choose the ”Display this service in my links” option. You can write a specific label for the link by using the text field.
b) Subscribe to notifications about new content (e.g. comments) on the page.
  • Choose the “Subscribe notifications for this service and all nested services” option. You can write a specific label for your subscription by using the text field.

3. Remember to click “Save” when you are finished.

4. The subscription will be displayed on the “My links” page of your profile’s personal workspace.