

History of Valtimo

Valtimo was separated from Nurmes in 1910. During the latest war, people were evacuated from Karjala so the population was increased because of that. After the separation Valtimo’s munipacility started to provide many services.

Valtimo was built by its residents. People were working continuesly for their shared good.


Valtimo used to have 15 different village schools. The first village school started here in 1883. Almost every village had its own school.
There weren’t enough pupils so the village schools had to close their doors for ever.
After that Valtimo had only two schools. One had elementary school and the other one had secondary school and Valtimo’s own high school. The people from the villages had to travel to Valtimo’s central every single school day.

The old elementary school closed its doors in 2008 because it had mold. Everybody started going to the same school. The old secondary school combined every student from grade 0 to 9. Also the students who studied in the Valtimo upper secondary school were in the same school building.

The Valtimo upper secondary school was closed in spring 2015 because of the lack of students.

Until 2016 there were two separate school buldings; A-building and the B-building. The B-building had serious air quality problems so we had to abandon it. The cellar part of the A-building had problems with mold and we had to move to the upper floors to study.

Thankfully our munipacility built us a new school building. It contains a new lunch room, a lobby, and many special new classes. With that we also got new equipment.

Image source: Lions Club Valtimo: Kotiseututeos Karjalan ja Kainuun kauniista rajakunnasta
Text source: Ismo Björn: Valtimo : kunnan historia
Written by: Mika, Pinja, Heikki and Lauri

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