Extra curriculum clubs

School clubs

There are lots of different clubs for everybody in Valtimo's school. Clubs' timings are planned considering students' schedules.

There are many music clubs in Valtimo´s school. You can join the clubs at any age. Every age group has their own band where they can express themselves in the way they want. You can practice playing different instruments in the music club. Your playing skills will build up step by step.

You can also sing in choir. The choir travels to different places to performance. They take a part in different events and that way they get more and more experience.

If you want to move more you can take part in sport clubs. The selection is huge: dance, parkour, tennis, floorball and whatever you want. Club members get to affect the club program.

School has to offer many exercise equipment which students can use freely. We have also a sports field and a skating area. It's possible to play Disc Golf if you want.


It's also possible to join the drama club in Valtimo's school. You can practice acting in this club. If the group wants, they can prepare a show for celebration or other event. The group can make their acting outfits of school's props. Members practice acting through different games and plays.There is a relaxed atmosphere. You don't have to feel nervous.

Written by Jemina, Senni & Vilma

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