In English

Muurame Senior High School

Muurame is a lively municipality of roughly 9,500 inhabitants. Muurame is located approximately 14 kilometers south from Jyväskylä in central Finland. Known for its friendliness toward entrepreneurship, Muurame is home to dozens of companies. Muurame is surrounded by beautiful nature, in between lakes Muuratjärvi and Päijänne and in the vicinity of skiresort Riihivuori.

Muurame senior high school was founded in 1995 and is located in the Muurame community center. Circa 200 students and 20 teachers work in the modern facilities of Muurame senior high school. The two priorities of our school are entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

Developing and experimenting new ideas is characteristic to our school. Muurame senior high school has the certificate of sustainable development, in terms of which the functioning of our school is evaluated and developed constantly. Students are the life force of our school. Their motivations and the will to take responsibility are supported throughout their studies. Students carry out e.g. projects, of which they take most responsibility. Students are also taken into decision making and their opinions are listened to. Our school is actively and continuously in contact with other educational institutions and working life.

In Muurame senior high school we believe that trying and exploring new things provide new learning experiences. Furthermore, new learning environments have been tested frequently. All our teachers have iPads to support their teaching and there are roughly 60 iPads in student use. We also have a new classroom for mobile projects, which provides relaxed grounds for conversation and meetings. Our school is active in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), which is also an effective means to inform and keep in contact with our students.

Muurame senior high school has five values. We are





Visionary käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä