Adverbit ja niiden vertailu

Drive carefully

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Adjektiivit vastaavat kysymykseen millainen.

Adverbit ilmaisevat tapaa how (slowly, fast), aikaa when (sometimes, always), paikkaa where (here, inside) ja määrää how much (quite, really). Ne vastaavat kysymyksiin miten, milloin, missä, kuinka paljon.
Adverbi voi määrittää verbejä, adverbejä tai adjektiivejä.

Adjektiivista voi usein muodostaa adverbin lisäämällä siihen -ly-pääte. Tällöin adverbi vastaa kysymykseen how.
:right small
careful – carefully
quiet – quietly
real – really
certain – certainly
happy – happily
honest – honestly
proper – properly
different – differently
serious – seriously

Kaikki -ly-päätteiset sanat eivät kuitenkaan ole adverbejä. Esimerkiksi seuraavat sanat ovat adjektiiveja.

D) Käännä sanat suomeksi.

friendly =
lonely =
lovely =

Näitä käytetään adverbin omaisesti käyttämällä rakennetta in a ____ way. Esim. In a friendly way.

On myös sanoja, joilla adjektiivi ja adverbi on samanlainen. Esimerkiksi fast, early, straight ja hard voivat olla sekä adverbejä että adjektiiveja.

E) Mieti, mitä seuraavat lauseet ovat suomeksi ja merkitse laatikkoon, onko kysymyksessä adjektiivi (adj) vai adverbi (adv).

1. Don't walk so fast.
2. Mike has a fast car.
3. I got up early this morning.
4. Then we had an early breakfast.
5. Can you draw a straight line?
6. Go straight ahead!
7. Learning English is hard.
8. You must try hard!

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Adjektiivista adverbiksi

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Yes, they are adjectives.

A) Change them into adverbs.
Kirjoita pääte tai jos se ei tuo oikeaa tulosta - koko adverbi.

1. different
2. full
3. national
4. strict
5. daily
6. free
7. private

B) Fill in the following sentences with the words above.

Each word can be used once only, and if the first word (a) is an adjective, the second word (b) will be the corresponding adverb and vice versa.

Käytä ylläolevia adjektiiveja ja adverbejä.
Jokaista sanaparia voit käyttää vain kerran, 1. sana on adjektiivi ja 2. adverbi TAI PÄINVASTOIN.

a) Is your cup half empty or half ?
b) The restaurant we went to yesterday was booked.

a) Our teacher is sometimes too . She doesn't let us say a word during lessons.
b) Smoking is forbidden!

a) She is from my teacher. He lets us talk all the time.
b) Well, in your school you do things anyway.

a) It was 6th December yesterday. Did you sing the anthem?
b) What does mean?

a) Yes, we did. But we don't sing it like you do.
b) No, it's not a routine in our school, either.

a) How much time do you get after school?
b) Not much. I cannot decide .

a) I have my piano lessons every day.
b) Aren't you furious about it?

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Täytä vihjeen mukaan

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When she woke up she checked the time on her (uusi) mobile.
It was five past eleven. Had she been dreaming or had someone knocked on the door (varhain) in the morning?
(hitaasti), she got out of her (lämmin) bed and went to the kitchen.
It was a (harmaa) and (sateinen) day.
'It must be t (hirveän) (kylmä) outside', she thought and put on the coffeemaker.
S (yhtäkkiä)....

Continue the story..
What happened?

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Täydennä adverbi oikeassa muodossa, käytä suluissa olevaa adjektiivia pohjana.

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1. We lost the football match 4-2 yesterday. I don’t think we played (bad) …
2. … but the other side played really (good).
3. You drive quite (dangerous). I won’t be surprised if you have an accident one day!
4. “You’re late!” said Olga (angry). “Where have you been?”
5. The teacher spoke so (quiet) that the class couldn’t hear her.
6. This is a very important question. Please think (careful) before you answer.
7. In 1483, King Richard III of England (secret) killed his two young nephews.
8. The hungry cat looked (greedy) at the chicken on the dinner table.
9. When I broke my leg, my friend Pam (kind) offered to do the shopping for me.
10. Paulo Coelho is one of my favourite novelists. I think he writes (beautiful).
11. He spoke to me. (friendly)
12. You can run so (fast).
13. He always works so (hard).

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Adverbien vertailu

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Etsi puhekuplasta.

kauniisti =
kauniimmin =
kauneimmin =
Miten muodostat komparatiivin (kauniimmin) adverbista?

Mikä vastaa kuin-sanaa komparatiivissa (kauniimmin kuin)?
Miten muodostat superlatiivin (kauneimmin) adverbista?

Mitä rakennetta käytät vertaillessasi adverbin perusmuotoja (yhtä nopeasti kuin)?
+ adverbi +

Adjektiivin kaltaisia adverbejä vertaillaan päätteillä -er ja -est.

Look, how fast Ned can run! He really tries hard to win!
Katso, kuinka nopeasti Ned osaa juosta!
Hän todella yrittää kovasti voittaa!

Yes, but Daniel runs faster. Daniel tries harder.
Niin, mutta Daniel juoksee nopeammin. Daniel yrittää kovemmin.

Still, Jeff runs (the) fastest. Obviously he has worked (the) hardest.
Jeff juoksee silti nopeimmin. Hän on tehnytilmeisesti kovimmin töitä.

well better (the) best hyvin
badly worse (the) worst huonosti
late later (the) latest myöhään, viimeisin

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Täydennä adverbien komparatiivimuodoilla. Adverbin saat edellisen lauseen adjektiivista.

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MALLI John is quiet. He sits more quietly than others.

1. Taylor is a happy little boy. He always plays than his sisters.
2. Georgina seemed awfully sad this morning. She looked me in the eyes than ever before.
3. In my opinion, the last Swedish test was far too easy. I did all the exercises than in any other test so far.
4. Well, I’m sure my results will be really bad in the Swedish test. I studied for it than usual.
5. Kieran’s voice is really loud. Can anyone actually sing ?
6. Today’s PE lesson was quite hard. I guess I must practice .

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