
G1.1 Fill in

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Täydennä yleispreesensillä.

1. John too much TV. (katselee)
2. He in front of it every evening. (istuu)
3. His favourite show Name of Thorns. (on)
4. His girlfriend it. (ei pidä)
5. "The actors so unnatural," she says. (kuulostavat)
6. "I just why he the show." (en ymmärrä, pitää)
7. " he how they speak?" (Eikö kuule)
8. "I to say anything to him. (en halua)
9. But she that John she watching it. (ei tiedä, luulee, nauttii)
10. If she did, she would say: "No!"

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Täydennä puuttuvat verbimuodot. Käytä yleis- ja kestopreesensiä.

Sarah 1 (järjestää) a party. She 2 (kutsuu) all her friends and 3 (ostaa) a lot of food and beverages. She 4 (ei järjestä) parties too often so she 5 (on) a bit nervous. When her friends 6 (saapuvat), she 7 (toivottaa tervetulleeksi) them at the door.

Everyone 8 (on) a good time. Some people 9 (istuvat) outside in the sun ,while others 10 (kuuntelevat) to music and (tanssivat) in the living room. Just when the party is in full swing, there's a knock on the door and Sarah 11 (menee) to open. It's the grumpy old man from next door.

"12 you (ettekö tiedä) what time it is," he 13. (kysyy).
"Well, yes. It's five o'clock," Sarah 14 (vastaa).
The old man 15 (nauraa) and says: "No, it's time to invite me to your party. I 16 (vihaan) being left out."

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Täydennä sopivilla preesensmuodoilla.

Have you had trouble finding a good way to exercise? Why 1 (et ryhdy =(ota)) up swimming in that case? It 2 fat as fast and as much as for example running. However, the water 3 (kannattelee) you when you 4 (uit) and so there 5 ((ei) ole) hardly any pressure on your joints. And what is better, it 6 (on) an effect on more muscle groups than eg cycling. So if you 7 (satut olemaan) over-weight or 8 (on) an injury or maybe even asthma, there better way to exercise than swimming. You 10 (pysyt) in shape and have fun at the same time. Yet you 11 (et voi oppia) swimming from books. You 12 (täytyy tehdä) it yourself in the water. If you 13 (haluat tulla) a professional or if you 14 (aiot) compete in swimming, you'll have to find an instructor to guide in the technique. The technique a swimmer 15 (käyttää) may make his neck and back hurt if he 16 (ei tee) it right. When you 17 (harjoittelet), remember to breathe right too. Your swimming 18 (tulee) much more efficient that way. If you 19 (työskentelet) hard and 20 (et tuhlaa) your time by taking it too easy, you'll soon be swimming a mile in 30 minutes.

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Käännä lauseet englanniksi.

1. Herään yleensä kello kuudelta.
2. En ikinä osta maitoa.
3. Hän ei halua ajaa vanhaa autoa.
4. Ovatko vihannekset terveellisiä?
5. Mitä ajattelet?
6. Kuinka monta sisarusta sinulla on?

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