
G2.1 Irregular verbs

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Fill-in the missing irregular verbs in their past form.

Last night, I (be) at home, sleeping in front of the television, when I (hear) a strange noise . I (wake) up and (run) to the window. Can you guess what I (see) in the garden? A flying saucer! I (think) I was dreaming so I (go) to the bathroom where I (have) a shower and (forget) about the flying saucer. Suddenly something (strike) the front door.

A bit afraid, I (take) a baseball bat , walked towards the door and opened it. Two aliens were there, smiling and jumping. They
(say): 'Could we have a cup of tea, please?' I (burst) into laughter and asked them to come in. I (put) some water on the stove and (give) them some biscuits.

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Write the correct forms of the given verbs.

1. You (työskentelit) as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I (tapasin) you.
2. When I (kävelin) into the room it was chaos! The dog (juoksenteli) around the room and the children (kirjoittelivat) on the walls.
3. Excuse me sir. Can you tell us what you (teitte) at 11 o'clock last night?
4. As soon as I (näin) the accident I (soitin) the police.
5. The day I (kuulin) the news I (opiskelin) for my exams.
6. I (satuin) to look out the window and (ajattelin) I (näin näkyjä) things. My cat (jahtasi) my dog.

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G2.3. Sentences

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Translate the sentences into English.

1. Lapset olivat leikkimässä puistossa, kun alkoi sataa.

2. Katselin televisiota, kun huomasin hänen seisovan takanani.

3. Hän tuli kotiin, kun olin (have) kylvyssä.

4. Näin julkkiksen, kun olin ostoksilla.

5. Kate piileskeli vaatekaapissa, kun Lisa löysi hänet.

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