Essay topics

Write a composition of about 700-1300 characters on one of the following topics. Follow the guidance. 

The essays are due on 3 May 2023, at 23.59 pm. 

It's recommendable that you hand in your essay some days before the deadline. 

1. Happy at work?


Job satisfaction seems to have little to do with the salary. In several studies, secretaries, fitness instructors, priests and farmers have been found to be happy at work. What might these professions have in common? What could help an unhappy employee become more like them? Write a letter to the editor discussing these issues.

2. Small town life


You have been invited to give a speech on the topic of encouraging young people to move to smaller towns. What upsides do smaller towns have, and why should young people consider moving away from bigger cities? Write this speech. 


You have recently spent a year abroad as an exchange student. Write about your experiences in your blog. Invent a title for your blog post that matches the content. 

4. Take a break


It is an increasing trend that many students who graduate high school take a gap year to work or travel before applying to university or other higher education. What do you think is the reason? Why are gap years attractive to high school graduates? Would you take a gap year after high school?

5. Careers of the future


As technology advances, the jobs of the past are no longer a certainty. According to research, those who study in schools now will hold jobs in the future that don’t even exist right now. What kind of jobs do you think the future will hold?

6. To take a job or not to take a job


As unemployment rates soar, many people seem to think taking any job, even outside the field of their education, is something everyone should do. However, others argue that working odd jobs is detrimental to finding a job within one’s own field. What is your opinion? Pick a side and defend your view.








Rästiaineiden palautuskansio

Palauttakaa myöhästyneet aineenne tähän palautuskansioon.
Laajuus: 700 - 1300 merkkiä
Palautuksen muoto: Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

Kotiaineiden palautuskansio

Palauttakaa kotiaineenne tähän viimeistään ke 3.5.2023 klo 23.59.
Laajuus: 700-1 300 merkkiä.

Palautuksen muoto: Palauta merkintä (ei liitetiedostoja tai linkkejä)
  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.


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