Kerava´s Early Childhood Education and Preschool did Job Shadowings in Brussels administration

Kerava city’s head of Early Childhood Education Hannele Koskinen, one Head of Early Childhood and Preschool Center Päivi Aho and planner for Early Childhood and Education Hanna Sulonen did their Job Shadowings in two places in Brussels. These places were Administratief centrum city of Brussels and Vlaams ministerie van Onderwijs en Vorming. Sandra de Nies and Tim de Jaeger had organizied very wonderful four days for us. We saw so much that it is difficult to write on blog.

We saw that they do their works by their hearts. They want to develop teaching and learning at the schools of Brussels and they want to do high-quality early childhood education and education at schools. Sandra de Nies leads education at flemish language schools. French language schools are in the different organizations. They are working parallel but in the different organizations.

At flemish language schools have developed early education and care and education a lot. They have very many pupils from different countries and they had have to think how they can teach many nationalities together. They teach inclusive like us and they have many similar practices than we have. It was nice to see. They have same kind of challenges than we have too. It is as difficult to find enough teachers to the schools than we have to find teachers to daycare centres and so on. It was great to talk together how we can develop this.

They have developed the practicies to organize the things of all schools straightforwardly. For example they have a program in which principals of the schools write if something has gone broken or they need a new things to their schools. This program will declare the case to the administration and the worked of the urban tehcnology will handle this case and order the new things to schools. We do’nt have this kind of program at Kerava city.

It was very inspiring to see how the flemish language schools administration controls and develop their practicies and specially how their love their kids and want to give their best to them! It is the most important thing in our working!