Stories of the Maiden

Stories of the Maiden


Other story is that Batal Ghazi'z story. A man named Battalgazi falls in love with the daughter of the tekfur, a Christian ruler of a town or a locality. However, he does not bestow his daughter to Battalgazi, and to protect her, places her in the tower. Battalgazi attacks the tower to abducts the girl and tekfur's treasure.

1.story drawings



The last story told about Maiden's Tower is that the Byzantine Emperor had a baby girl and the birthday of the girl was announced as feast with great celebrations all around the country. After years, the emperor asked erudite to prepare his daughter to his throne as a well educated girl. However, one of the oracular told the emperor that his daughter would be bitten by a snake and die before she reaches her 18th birthday. Therefore, the emperor reconstructed that tower located on a small island and placed his daughter there for protecting her from the hazard of the snakes. Years passed, the girl almost reached to her 18th birthday, however, as showing that destimy is unavoidable, the girl was bitten by a sanke that sneaked into the tower in a redbud bouquet. The empeorr was shocked. He rejected to bury his daughter into ground with a thought that snakes might not leave her alone in her grave as well. He ambalmed the dead body of the girl and laid her in an iron coffin. The iron coffin was placed onto the entrance of Hagia Sophia. There are still two holes on this coffin which proves that snakes did not leave her alone even after her death. After that day, they entitled this tower, Maiden's tower.

2.Story drawings



This is the story of the tower which has been erected both during the ancient times and present times and future times in the center of the İstanbul. Every part of İstanbul has full of beauties and mysteries. One of the beauties is Maiden's Tower, a lot of ships are passing by this tower everyday.

The Maiden's Tower is located very close to the shore of the district in Üsküdar and it is soaring like a swan. Viewers can see how İstanbul gets color and vividness with the Maiden's Tower. They can see but only few people know the story about this tower which mentioned a lot of legends.

According to this legend, a young man named Leandros falls in love with a nun named Hero who is faithful to Afrodit. However, as a nun, falling love with someone is taboo for Hero. Hero lives in the Maiden's Tower. Every night, Hero builds a fire in the tower so that Leandros may find his way to her by swimming to the tower. Thus, they meet every night. One night, however, the bonfire started by Hero is put out by a storm, That very night, Leandross loses his own way in the cold waters of the Bosphorus and dies. When Hero hears of what happened to Leandros, she cannot endure the pain and commits suicide. Since that day, Maiden's tower became the symbol of hopless lovers.

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