Heikki 5b

Mankola poster made by the pupils

Mankolan historiaa The History of Mankola
mankolan historiaa

- Maa-alue on kuulunut 1600-luvulta lähtien yhteiskunnalle.
- Mankolan halki raivattiin tie 1700-luvulla.
- 1809 Mankolaan perustettiin sotilasvirkatalo eli puustelli.
- Puustelli oli valtion omistama maatila, jonka armeijan upseeri sai hallintaansa.

Mankola oppilaitoksena

-1932 perustettiin Keski-Suomen emäntäkoulu
-1942 nimi muuttui Keski-Suomen kotitalousopettajaopistoksi.
-1947 perustettiin Keski-Suomen kotitalousopettajaopisto.
-1980 - luvulla Mankolassa toimi koti-ja laitostalouden peruslinja.
- Viimeksi Mankolassa toimi Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Syksyllä 2009 Keski-Palokan koulu muutti Mankolaan väistötiloihin.

The History of Mankola

- The land has belonged to the society since the 15th century.
- There was a road built through Mankola towards the end of the 16th century.
- In 1809 Mankola was turned into the military officers house called Puustelli
- Puustelli was a government owned property which an army officer got control of.

The buildings of Mankola area

- Old Mankola military officers wooden main house was built in the 1850’s.
- New Mankola’s wooden buildings were built in the 1930’s.
- A three story main building of rock was built in 1931.
- The new main building ( our school today) was built in 1967 and the enlargement was built in 1980’s.

Mankola as a school

- In 1932 it was turned into Keski-Suomi school of Domestic Science.
- In 1942 it’s name was changed to Keski-Suomi Home Service School.
- In 1949 Mankola was turned into Keski-Suomi Home Service Teachers school.
- In the 1980’s Mankola was a Home and Institution service school.
- Most recently Mankola was a Vocational institute of higher learning.
- In Autumn 2009 Keski-Palokka primary school moved to Mankola

Villa Mankola


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