Welcome to learn more about our activities in Ruusupuisto!

The name Ruusupuisto ('Rose Park') derives from the beginning of the 20th century, when Mrs. Rosa Enckell, an active member of Jyväskylä Garden Association, rented this area from the town in order to establish an arboretum. In 1903, besides bird cherries and lilacs, plenty of roses where planted in the park. Soon the townspeople started to call this new pedestrian park with its pahtways and flowers as Ruusupuisto.

The Ruusupuisto building of the University of Jyväskylä was completed in 2015 to provide facilities for the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, and the Open University. The neighbouring buildings, the Museum of Central Finland and Alvar Aalto Museum, are both designed by Alvar Aalto. The staff now working in Ruusupuisto are engaged in collaboration wherein latest research knowledge, rich cultural tradition and newest technology are brought together. This makes it possible for us to offer new ways of learning for the school world.

Ruusupuisto News is a new communication channel for the latest education and research related news about our work in Ruusupuisto. The newsletter provides better possibilities for teachers and principals, - like also others interested in education - to follow research and studies in this field and to participate in discussions about these.

The English version of Ruusupuisto Newsletter provides a collection of articles from the Finnish version, selected in view of international interest.

Any feedback on this newsletter is appreciated. The newsletter and/or individual articles can be commented via the hyperlinks on our website or by contacting the editors.

Follow our websites for information about events open for everybody, and have a nice time with this newsletter!

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