
English, week 2

1. Continue writing your team's time traveller blog (who is responsible for this week's posts?)

2. Study the words describing character and the irregular verbs a-e for the first vocabulary test

3. Study the text about Charles Darwin (below) together with your teammates
- read through the text out loud
- make a wordlist of the most important words in it on Quizlet (register an account on Quizlet, 40 words minimum) https://quizlet.com
- translate the text into Finnish (the main contents) -> help each other out -> share your team's bit of the translation on the padlet
Teams 1-5: https://padlet.com/niina_kristiina_nh/darwin15
Teams 6-10: https://padlet.com/niina_kristiina_nh/darwin610
- practice the words on Quizlet (different activities)

4. Study the tenses (aikamuodot) that we will be studying together on Wednesday
- Do grammar exercises on the grammar topics on https://www.sanomapro.fi/ -> työtilan nimi: Tiimijakson enkku (opiskelijan verkkotehtävät) -> työtilaan liittymisavain: YCXY

5. Study the irregular verbs f-m https://quizlet.com/_nq5bd for next week's (the week after the holiday) vocabulary test along with the following words on the text about Charles Darwin: https://quizlet.com/_5drrex

Thursday, Oct 11 & Friday, Oct 12

1. Vocabulary test

2. Logging in on / registering on sanomapro.fi

3. Do the exercises under "Word order" and "The present tense" on sanomapro.fi (opiskelijan verkkotehtävät -> grammar -> the present tense & word order)

4. Finish writing your blog post (if it's your turn)

5. Finish writing the translation of the Darwin text

6. Start revising the irregular verbs f-m & the words on Darwin if you have nothing else to do

Grammar escape room

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