About course assessment and your goals

Kurssilla arvioitavat tehtävät:

- Kurssilla tehtävät kuuntelut (2-3)
- Kolme osakoetta

Osakoe 1 (28.2.):

Vocabulary: Playtime, Theme vocabulary Free time activities and winter sports & grammar: the passive voice, the formal subject (p.154-167)

Osakoe 2 (March):

Women in sport, Travel Advice, Hungry traveller & grammar: pronouns, the articles (p.173-184)

Osakoe 3 (March-April):

Vocabulary: I <3 Brighton, theme vocabulary: health and physical well-being, grammar: singular and plural, possessives

- Kurssilla tehtävä kirjoitelma

- Ääntämis- ja tiivistystehtävä, palautus äänitiedostona

- Kurssin arvostelu perustuu erilaisiin suorituksiin (kuuntelut, kirjoitelmat, kokeet, ääntämistehtävä), itsearviointiisi omasta työskentelystäsi/oppimisestasi, arviointikeskusteluun päättöviikolla

What & when

- We will do most of the spoken exercises (marked with the smiling cat symbol) in your books together in class, both the ones before/after the texts and the ones in the grammar section
- Pronunciation exercises are also something we will spend time on together
- We will spend some time on the “study tips”, “info,” and “how to” boxes as well
- You yourself are responsible for doing most of the written exercises @home or in a free period @school

All grade goals:
- Texts: Playtime, Women in sport, Travel advice, Hungry traveller, I <3 Brighton
- Theme vocabularies Free time activities & Health and physical well-being in units 1& 4

For extra credit (in case a test doesn't go the way you had planned):
- Choose two of the Read on texts to study, do the related exercises, and do a language portfolio exercise on them
- Ask for further instructions on the portfolio exercises


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