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Write a composition between 700 and 1300 characters (approx. 150-250 words) on one of the following topics. Follow the guidance. Count the number of words in your essay and write it at the end.

  1. Photography today and yesterday

What kind of photos did your grandparents' generation take? What about your parents? How has technology changed photography for young people of your age? Discuss the changes.

  1. Why I stopped ... (fill in the name of an activity you once used to do)

Many of us have had hobbies and pastime activities we no longer do. At first we were full of enthusiasm, but then it faded away. So, what happened? What made you start? Was it your parents' or friends' idea in the first place? And what made you stop? How does it make you feel now?

  1. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote the famous quote above. Do you agree? Below find statistics of the ten most common fears in the USA. If you compare the list with your feelings of fear and those of your friends, how similar or different are they?


Fear of public speaking – Glossophobia 74 %


Fear of death – Necrophobia 68 %


Fear of spiders – Arachnophobia 30.5 %


Fear of darkness – Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia 11 %


Fear of heights – Acrophobia 10 %


Fear of people or social situations – Sociophobia 7.9 %


Fear of flying – Aerophobia 6.5 %


Fear of confined spaces – Claustrophobia 2.5 %


Fear of open spaces – Agoraphobia 2.2 %


Fear of thunder and lightning – Brontophobia 2 %

(Research conducted in September 2016, Statistic Brain)

  1. Communicating with animals

How well do you understand horses, dogs, cats or the red robins that come to eat from the bird feeder in your garden? How do animals express themselves if they want something, or if they feel happy, sad or frustrated? How well do they understand your language and gestures?