Kappale 11A

11A Life in the fast lane

Kirjoita teksti ENGLANNIKSIWe are very slow. Many can run and swim much faster than we can. No wonder we have always to go faster and faster.

On land, early man had only one of getting from one place to another- on foot. When he how to tame such animals as and , he was able to ride on their back. The of the wheel some 5,000 years ago made it to build . But even as late as the 17th century, most people still or on horseback. A 100-mile from London to the south coast, for , could take .

Two years ago there where still only sources of power- people or animals, wind or . Then the Scottish James Watt invented the steam enige. The American engineer Robert Fulton used it to build , the Clermont, which made its first steam : Robert Stephenson`s Rocket. The world`s first railway line in 1825 Stockton and Darlington in the north of England. The top speed of the first trains was less than 34kph. Today, the French TGV train can do 500 kph.

The in road transport came in 1885 when two German engineers, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, built their ``. These vehicles had petrol engines and were early versions of the modern motor car. They could only do 20 kph, but people were about the speed of this new . In Britain the law that when a car was on the road, someone had to walk in front of it and wave flag.

At the of the 20th , no one had flown in an . Many men and women had of flaying, however, and some had flown in balloons and gliders. Then, in 1903, two American , Orville and Wilbur Wright, managed to fit a small petrol enige onto a glider. Orville made the first flight. It was 37 meters long and less than the of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet. The first planes were very - than the fastest birds, in fact. But the speeds became higher. In 1967, the American X-15A-2 rocet plane reached a speed of 7,297 kph. That was more than 150 times faster than the Wright brothers`first flight just 64 .
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