Pe 9.8.2024 Luetun avotehtäviä (yo-koe)

12.A Text: Alaska State Trooper Citizen Academy (6 p.)

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The Division of Alaska State Troopers has started a Citizen Academy Program. The program is designed to enhance citizen awareness of the role of the Alaska State Troopers (AST) within your community. The role of troopers has always been of interest to the average citizen. The television media has capitalized upon this curiosity with shows such as “Cops”, “America's Most Wanted”, “Stories of the Highway Patrol”, “CSI” and specifically the more recent documentary/reality television episodes about our Alaska State Troopers.

Each week, real police action is broadcast into the living rooms of millions of Americans. This often spreads misinterpretation of law enforcement to citizens across the country. Our AST program is based on Citizen Police Academy programs being formed by police agencies all over America.

12.1 Mikä on koulutusohjelman tarkoitus? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

12.2 Miksi ohjelma on juuri nyt tarpeen? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

Source: Alaska State Trooper Citizen Academy. State of Alaska Department of Public Safety. Accessed: 9.12.2020. Adaptation: YTL.
Source: Accessed: 9.12.2020.

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12.B Text: The Australian Volunteers Program (6 p.)

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We’re committed to ensuring that international volunteering is inclusive and accessible to Australians from a range of backgrounds, with diverse perspectives, identities and abilities.

If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident over the age of 18, you can apply for an assignment. Australian volunteers work in a range of sectors, including business services, community and social development, health, science, engineering and architecture, skilled trades, education and training, and media and arts.

There can be perceived barriers that prevent some Australians from participating fully in international volunteering, particularly people with a disability, Indigenous Australians, people living in regional and remote areas, and people from the LGBTQI+ community.

We are passionate about supporting all Australians to volunteer. We recognise the unique strengths and skills that people with diverse backgrounds and experiences offer, and we work with volunteers to remove barriers they may face.

12.3 Kuka voi hakea ohjelmaan? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

12.4 Mikä estää joitakin australialaisia osallistumasta vapaaehtoistyöhön? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

Source: Who can volunteer. Australian Volunteers Program. Accessed: 9.12.2020. Adaptation: YTL.

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