Creative writing inspired by Koli and Sibelius /Taidetestaajat 8F


1) a) First brainstorm for adjectives and nouns that describe the scenery (maybe also in a particular season: summer/winter/autumn/spring and/or in a particular weather and/or at a particul time of day: dawn/sunrise; dusk /sunset)

adjectives: eg. natural, pristine, peaceful, breathtaking, colourful, pure, alive, tranquil, wild , enchanting, dazzling, rejuvenating, glorious, inviting, panoramic, silent

nouns: lake, wind, spruce, pine, birch, leaves, rock, hill, path, islands, lichen (= jäkälä) etc., fog, storm, thunder, the sun, the sky, silence, icicles

b) Write a poem where you try to include this vocabulary

NB! It doesn’t have to be a rhyming poem!

2. Imagine that at the moment of writing you are sitting ”inside the picture”, surrounded by the scenery.

Describe your inner experiences: thoughts, feelings, sensations, sights, sounds, observations
Invent a title of your own choosing: 
Eg, ”A quiet moment at the top of Ukko-Koli” / ”Walking in the forest”

Some phrases that might help you get started:
- I’m sitting at …. /I’m walking along....

- All around me, there are….
- The wind is…

- I hear….

- I feel…

- In the far distance, I can see...

- Suddenly, I notice a….

3) Write an
acrostic poem based on a key word that has something to do with Koli/nature!


Fields of colour I can see

Leaning towards the sun

Opening buds in springtime

Waving in the gentle breeze

Enjoy smelling my sweet scent

Roots stand strong in the soil

More challenging way to write an acrostic poem: 


Soft and Pretty

Every shape and size

 Each  Together with its neighbours

 Like A colourful crown

Looking for visiting insects and birds
