
Täydennystehtävä (13 p.)

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Fill in with the help of the prompts given in Finnish.

Molemmat totta:
1. The Saimaa ringed seal is critically endangered a source of great pride for Finns. (SEKÄ-ETTÄ)

Fakta + yllättävämpi tosiasia:
2. are humans a threat to its survival climate change and the lack of snow and ice during the winter. (EI AINOASTAAN–VAAN MYÖS)

Ei kumpikaan:
3. fishing restrictions active climate work have helped to bring the Saimaa ringed seal back from the brink of extinction. (EI–EIKÄ)

Uusi tilanne:
4. more and more summer cottages are being built in the Saimaa region, they have trouble finding places to breed in peace. (NYT KUN))

Mahdollisimman nopeasti (olosuhteiden salliessa):
5. a solution can be found to the problem, the Saimaa ringed seal population might start to increase. (HETI KUN)

Vain jos ehto toteutuu:
6. There is hope on the horizon everybody is willing to do their bit. (EDELLYTTÄEN ETTÄ)

7. Some tourists actually travel to Lake Saimaa they could spot a ringed seal. (JOTTA)

Tilanteesta huolimatta (myönnytys):
8. the seals are extremely rare, they can still be seen in the wild. (VAIKKA)

Sillä KUVITTEELLISELLA ehdolla, että... (ei oikeasti tapahdu):
9. You couldn't guarantee successful breeding for them we created suitable places for them to nest in. (VAIKKA)

Näin ei oikeasti ole:
10. On the other hand, we can't act everything would get better by itself. (IKÄÄN KUIN)

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Lisää täydennystehtäviä (13 p.)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Täydennä vinkin mukaan englanniksi pienillä kirjaimilla.

1. it rained all day, we enjoyed the trip. (VAIKKA)

2. I WOULD (!) have come you had asked me not to. (VAIKKA)

3. The water was dirty cold. (SEKÄ - ETTÄ)

4. I liked the book: it was long boring. (EI - EIKÄ)

5. Make up your mind! we go to the cinema we stay at home. (JOKO - TAI)

6. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything I first laid my eyes on her. (SIITÄ LÄHTIEN KUN)

7. she had mown the lawn, Shirley took a break. (SEN JÄLKEEN KUN)

8. He cleaned the house the guests arrived. (ENNEN KUIN)

9. everybody is here, we might as well start. (NYT KUN)

10. I told the journalist everything everybody would know the truth. (JOTTA, NIIN ETTÄ)

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