Subjects and schedules

Subjects and schedule


Mothertongue and literature (ON GRADES 1-9, CORE SUBJECT)

English (3-9 CORE)

Swedish (6-9 CORE)

Mathematics (1-9 CORE)

Science (1-6 CORE)

Biology (7-9 CORE)

Geography (7-9 CORE)

Physics (7-9 CORE)

Chemistry (7-9 CORE)

Health education (7-9 CORE)

Religion (1-9 CORE)

History (5-8 CORE)

Social studies (4&9 CORE)

Music (1-7 CORE)

Art (1-7 CORE)

Textile and technical work (1-7 CORE)

PE (1-9 CORE)

Home economics (7 CORE)

Student counselling (7-9 CORE)


Drama (7-9 OPTIONAL)

Home economics (8-9 OPTIONAL)

Textile and technical work (8-9 OPTIONAL)

Music (8-9 OPTIONAL)

Art (8-9 OPTIONAL)


Russian (4-9/8-9 OPTIONAL)

Information technology (8-9 OPTIONAL)

Business studies (8-9 OPTIONAL)

There are also optional subjects for grades 3-6 but they change almost every year. There are many possible choises to choose from.


8.50 bell rings/day starts

(8.55-9.00 morning assembly)

8.55- 9.45 first lesson

9.45-10.30 second lesson

10.30-11.30 lunchbreak

11.30-12.15 third lesson

12.15-13.00 fourth lesson

13.00-13.15 break outdoors

13.15-14.00 fifth lesson

14.00-14.15 break (snack)

14.15-15.00 sixth lesson

15.00-15.45 seventh lesson (only grades 7-9)

We have five period system in our school and every period has different schedule. One period lasts about two months. Five period system is used by grades seven to nine and everyone else has the same schedule entire year.
Written by: Elias, Markus, Joni