
What's up today?!?

Today we will be looking at Text 7: My pronouns are they/them.

First let's have a look at a brief introduction on what we are getting ourselves into today.

Key points in the video:
  • Jake is a non-binary person (not strictly a man or a woman)
  • In the English language pronouns "he" and "she" are used for men and women
  • If you do not know the gender (sukupuoli) of a person, you can use the pronoun "they". It is gender-neutral.
  • Gender identity (sukupuoli-identiteetti) is nowadays more complicated, and not everyone feels comfortable with being called "he" or "she"
  • You can't always tell by their looks how people feel about their gender
  • Using "they" when talking about just one person is already normal in English. (For example: Somebody left their bag in class)
  • Neopronouns never caught on (eivät saaneet suosiota)
  • Standard language changes according to how people use it

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXLFdYNEl_I

With this introduction, let's move on to Text 7: My pronouns are they/them.
Let's listen to the text and make sure we understand the main ideas.

Excercises for the text

Do the following exercises after we have discussed the text:

7c - Spot the phrase
7d - Fill in

Extra excercise for the quick ones:

7f - Replace

Let's have fun with some grammar exercises

Now that we all know everything there is to know about the conditionals, let's show our skills!

Exercise 51 - Do with a friend or by yourself. You can change the language of the flashcards with a click of a button.

Exercise 53 - Fill in the gaps. (homework)

You should use the past tense (imperfekti) if you see the word "if" before the verb!
Sinun pitäisi käyttää imperfektiä, jos näet sanan "if" ennen verbiä!

Extra exercise for the quick ones:
Exertcise 7g from the text.
You can find the tapescript (käsikirjoitus) from the course main page if you need help.

Homework - konditionaali

Find all ten onditionals in the text and tranlate the into Finnish according to the example
Etsi tekstistä kaikki kymmenen konditionaalimuotoa ja suomenna ne esimerkin mukaisesti

Palauta word-tiedostona palautuskansioon

Dear Marsha
I would be happy if you apologized to me. Actually, if you bought me flowers to say sorry, it might be nice. You could even buy me something more meaningful. I think your friends wouldn’t make stupid jokes about me if you didn’t encourage them. If I didn’t love you, I would be walking away right now and not writing this note. Should I give you another chance or not? Not sure. I have feelings, too.

1. I would be = olisin
2. if you apologized = jos antaisit anteeksi
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki

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