
I would travel the world if I was 18


Konditionaali kertoo, mitä minä tekisin tai joku muu tekisi. 

I would travel the world.
I'd buy a motorbike.
I'd do nothing at all.

Mutta aina asiat eivät ole näin yksinkertaisia. Joskus kaikenkokoisiin haaveisiin ja suunnitelmiin liittyy jokin ehto.

Konditionaalin ehtolause alkaa if-sanalla. Ehtolause on imperfektissä.

I'd travel the world if I was 18.
I'd buy a motorbike if I had the money.
I'd do nothing at all if I didn't have a job.
I'd be so bored if I didn't have school.
Ehdon voi myös ilmaista ennen konditionaalia.
If you didn't help me, I would be lost.
If I had the opportunity, I would do an exchange in Australia.


 lyhenee muotoon 'd. Kielteinen muoto on would not, joka lyhenee wouldn't.

Kolmella verbillä on omat konditionaalimuotonsa:
voisi could
pitäisi should
saattaisi might

Täydennä annettu verbi konditionaalissa. Muista IF-lauseeseen imperfekti

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

If I (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner.
If we (to live) in Rome, Francesco (to visit) us.
If Tim and Tom (to be) older, they (to play) in our hockey team.
If he (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him to my birthday party.
If Susan (to study) harder, she (to be) better at school.
If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
If you (to do) a paper round, you (to earn) a little extra money.
If Michael (to get) more pocket money, he (to ask) Doris out for dinner.
If we (to win) the lottery, we (to fly) to San Francisco.
If I (to meet) Brad Pitt, I (to ask) for his autograph.

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Täydennä annettu verbi konditionaalissa. Muista IF-lauseeseen imperfekti

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

If I (to meet) Richard, I (to tell) him about our new office.
If the steak (not/to be) so hot, we (to eat) it.
What (you/to do) if it (to rain)?
He (to help) me if he (can).
If Andrew (to prepare) the meal, I (not/to come) for dinner.
My father (not/to be) angry with me if I (to come) home early.
We (not/to have) a pet if we (to live) in a flat.
If he (can/to speak) French, he (to get) the job in Marseille.
I (not/to stay) long if Gerry (to sing) at the party.

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Mitä olisi tapahtunut (2. konditionaali)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Miten ’jossittelet’ mennyttä asiaa?

Apuverbi: + + mikä verbimuoto pääverbistä?

Muita tapoja:

You should have asked me to help you! Sinun olisi pitänyt pyytää minua auttamaan sinua!
Gina could have taught you some maths. Gina olisi voinut opettaa sinulle vähän matematiikkaa.

would not = wouldn’t
should not = shouldn’t
could not = couldn’t

Kieltosanan paikka on 1. verbin jälkeen.
Esim. I would not have studied harder if…

Muistathan myös kysymyslauseen sanajärjestyksen?
kysymyssana predikaatti subjekti
Would you have helped me?
What would you have taught me?

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Täydennä annettu verbi 2. konditionaalissa. Muista IF-lauseeseen pluskvamperfekti

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

If I (to meet) Richard, I (to tell) him about our new office.
If the steak (not/to be) so hot, we (to eat) it.
What (you/to do) if it (to rain)?
He (to help) me if he (can).
If Andrew (to prepare) the meal, I (not/to come) for dinner.
My father (not/to be) angry with me if I (to come) home early.
We (not/to have) a pet if we (to live) in a flat.
If he (can/to speak) French, he (to get) the job in Marseille.
I (not/to stay) long if Gerry (to sing) at the party.

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