12 Innovations

12 Innovations

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Lue seuraavat tekstit ja vastaa kysymyksiin niiden pohjalta LYHYESTI SUOMEKSI. (24 p.)


What you hear is an excerpt from the record Years, created by Bartholomäus Traubeck, which features seven recordings from different Austrian trees including oak, maple, walnut, and beech. What you are hearing is an ash tree’s year ring data. Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings, such as strength, thickness and rate of growth.

Keep in mind that the tree rings are being translated into the language of music, rather than sounding musical in and of themselves. Using a record player, a camera and a stepper motor, the tree ring data are first read and then relayed to music production software. Hats off to Traubeck for coming up with the ingenious method to turn a simple slice of wood into a beautiful unique arrangement. It makes you wonder what types of music other parts of nature would play.

Lähde: realfarmacy.com (22.3.2017)

12.1 MITÄ erikoista levysoittimella soitetaan, ja MITEN musiikki saadaan aikaiseksi? (6 p.)

Eindhoven designer Jalila Essaïdi has turned manure into haute couture, creating a poo-based fabric that has been used to make clothes. The bio-textile is one of several different materials Essaïdi manufactured from recycled cow dung, including bio-plastics and bio-paper.

The designer pursued the project, titled Mestic, with her BioArtLab as a way of addressing the global manure surplus, which is responsible for excessive amounts of harmful phosphorus and nitrogen in water.

According to Essaïdi the materials are biodegradable and perform in much the same way as plastic derived from fossil fuels. The degradability can also be altered in the lab, creating materials that last for different periods of time depending on their end use.

Lähde: dezeen.com (12.3.2017)

12.2 MISTÄ KAHDESTA SYYSTÄ tämän kierrätysmateriaalin käyttö eri tuotteissa on ekologista? (6 p.)

The City of Vancouver’s plan to use an alternative to salt has not been effective at reducing the ice that still coats most of the municipality’s sidewalks, roads, and driveways. “We passed a city ordinance a few months ago that eliminated the harmful effects of road salt and sand,” explained Mayor Gregor Robertson. “Instead, we have stockpiled mounds of a plant-based alternative that is made from dehydrated dandelions, sea kelp, and wild rice. I have been assured by the producers that the salt-alternative has not been tested on animals.

The product known as Earth Ally Ice Remover, which costs $1 per grain at many naturopathic and alternative drug stores throughout the city, has failed to break up any of the ice. However, Vancouverites are taking it in stride. “Well, I’m at least glad the people who make this stuff are unionized and earning a decent wage,” said pedestrian Sandra Pyeon who then slipped on the ice, injuring her back. “Too bad the new salt consists mostly of water.”

Lähde: thebeaverton.com (5.1.2017)

12.3 MIKÄ on tiesuolan vaihtoehdon MERKITTÄVIN VAHVUUS, ja MIKÄ on sen HUONO PUOLI? (6 p.)

Corn genetically engineered to make ninjalike molecules can launch an attack on invading fungi, stopping the fungus from producing carcinogenic toxins.

With fungal toxins affecting up to 25 percent of crops worldwide, the finding could help boost global food safety, the researchers conclude.

Charles Woloshuk, a plant pathologist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, says allowing A. flavus to grow and focusing on preventing it from making the toxin is a good approach. In the past, researchers have unsuccessfully tried to breed fungus-resistant crops to combat aflatoxins.

Lähde: sciencenews.org (12.3.2017)

12.4 MITEN ongelmaa on AIEMMIN yritetty ratkaista? MITEN se on MYÖHEMMIN ratkaistu? (6 p.)

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